Sit down...have a drink...take a moment...take your lifetime...and think...

Thinking is good. One of the most obvious and important distinctions God put in place between us as mankind and all other life on this world is the ability to reason. I want to put my thoughts out in order to, hopefully, get you thinking, and perhaps even get your own thoughts. Be aware that I love debate, and if you want to intelligently discuss differences in thought, be they great or small, I would love to hear it! By no means do I know everything...but I seek to know and understand as much as I can...

23 April 2013

Dying to Live

Why don’t you kill yourself?  That’s not a rhetorical question; ask yourself that with every intention of answering.  What is stopping you from taking your own life?  Life is full of pain, and some would even say that life is pain.  If that is indeed the case, and if we follow our natural instinct to escape pain, would it not logically follow that the best way to do so would be to escape life? So what’s stopping you?